Monday, May 10, 2010

7 & 10 MAY 2010

Continue study CWSP.

6)Various cold water system for building

•Upfeed System
-Where the pressure in the water main is sufficient to distribute water throughout the entire building, an upfeed system as shown in Figure 1 is used.

•Downfeed System (Gravity Feed System, Elevated Water Tank System)
-In an elevated water tank system, such as the simplified system shown in Figure 2, water is pumped from the water main to an elevated water storage tank located above the highest and most hydraulically remote point in the water supply system of the building.

•Pneumatic Direct Water System
-Pneumatic Direct Water System are basically designed for provision of drinking water for high rise buildings.The pressure in the main may not be sufficient to supply all the drinking water appliances and a pneumatic water system is used to overcome this problem.

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