Saturday, June 26, 2010

21 - 25 JUNE 2010

This week is my last week at JKR. Therefore, I will try to complete and finish my logbook, blog and report.

23 JUNE 2010

Today my Unit organized a farewell party for me. Eventhough it was small party, I really appreciate it. We had KFC at office.


Me wearing the blue jacket jeans.

24 JUNE 2010

I went to site visit at UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Bangi, Selangor to check the project progress on constructing Malaysia Genome Institute.

The view of the building.

Part of laboratory equipments which already installed.

Clean room.

25 JUNE 2010

Today is my last day at JKR. During my 3 months here, I learn a lot of knowledges and experiences on job training. I was really happy for their thought and cooperate during my Industrial Training. Thank you so much JKR...

Industrial Training Completion Certificate

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